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Tim Hoppes

Medicare Journey Agents Owner Agent at Big State Financial of Florida, LLC
Member – Medicare Journey
I am a retirement planner and insurance agent and I love sitting with people to help them navigate the puzzles and mazes of retirement. I, Social Security, and Medicare. If I can be of service to you and your family, please let me know.
Big State Financial of Florida, LLC is an offshoot of my families business in San Antonio Texas. The Texas branch does not do Medicare , So I am licensed in Florida, Texas and several other states to offer education and support for one of the most important decisions we can make in our retirement years. The Medicare program is a wonderful benefit that we pay into our whole lives, and yet is is quite confusing to figure it out. That is why Medicare Journey and Big State Financial of Florida is here.
About Tim Hoppes

Company Details

Year Established


Hours of Operation

9:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday, and then when you need me, including weekends


215 License / Life , Health including variable annuities. Licensed in FL, TX, NC, GA, CA Appointed to over 30 companies for Life, Annuities and Medicare

Contact Information

Company Name
Big State Financial of Florida, LLC
Phone Number
Big State Financial of Florida, LLC

Phone Number


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